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I want to calculate the checksum of the program memory space 64KB of segment 0 with the ML62Q1000 series program.However, the entire program memory space of segment 0 cannot be read.What should I do?
The part of program memory space in segment 0 cannot be read as it is where it overlaps with the data memory space. Read segment 8 which is the mirror area of segment 0 instead. To read the program memory space of segment 0 through segment 8, declare the far pointer variable for data access and use it. For example, when reading segment 8 (0x80000-0x8FFFF) data in C language, declare the far pointer as shown below.
uint8 __far *dat;
Related Products: ML62Q12xx, ML62Q13xx, ML62Q14xx, ML62Q15xx/ML62Q18xx, ML62Q16xx, ML62Q17xx