Für neue Designs nicht empfohlen BD5230FVE
Spannungsdetektor mit einstellbarer Verzögerungszeit

Produkte, die nicht für neue Designs verwendet werden können (Nicht empfohlen für Designabweichungen).



Ersatzprodukt für BD5230FVE

Part Number
Ordering Part Number BD5230FVE-TR BD5230G-1TR
Similar Level - Same Pinout
Data Sheet    
Supply Status Not Recommended for New Designs Recommended
Package VSOF5 SSOP5
Unit Quantity 3000 3000
Minimum Packing Quantity 3000 3000
Packing Type Taping Taping
RoHS Yes Yes
Under Voltage Detection Voltage [V] (typ.) 3.0 3.0
VDET Precision [%] ±1 ±0.9
Reset Active Voltage Range [V] 0.95 to 10 0.8 to 6
Output Types Open drain Open drain
Reset Delay Timer Adjustable Delay Adjustable Delay
Reset Active State Low Low
Manual Reset No No
Watchdog Timer No No
Auto Motive No No
Circuit Current (ON) [µA] 0.85(VDET=4.8V) 0.23
Circuit Current (OFF) [µA] 0.85(VDET=4.8V) 0.27
Hysteresis Voltage [V] VDET x 0.05 VDET x 0.05
L Output Current (LowVol) [mA] 0.4 1
L Output Current (HighVol) [mA] 2 2
Delay Circuit Resistance [MO] 9.0 -
Temperature (Min.)[°C] -40 -40
Temperature (Max.)[°C] 105 85
Package Size [mm] 1.6x1.6 (t=0.6) 2.9x2.8 (t=1.25)

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